When the family finally arrived at the cabin we enjoyed a lovely visit with them. It was really nice getting acquainted with the great nephew for the first time. Uncle Helmut did a little swimming ( he is part polar bear ) but it was a little too chilly for any of the rest of us to desire to take a dip.
Most of the time was spent visiting. Hanna and Jean had a little wallk around the property and U. Helmut did a few walks and looked for wild life to "shoot" with the camera. He "shot" one squirrel.
Hanna and Chris prepared us a very nice supper and we dined inside because it was getting dark and too cool to enjoy the deck.
Our plan had been to canoe back to the mainland before dark but that didn't work out. Hanna and Chris took us back in the motor boat and Helmut held the canoe by a rope and it floated back behind the motor boat. At the dock Helmut took the canoe to a beach area to beach it because it was closer to where he could bring the car to. It was totally dark by this time. We unloaded all the stuff on to the floating dock and then it was my turn to disembark. This is always a major feat in the very best situation. Well, because it was dark and the dock was rocking back and forth or up and down or perhaps both I missed my footing with the right leg and scrapped the front of my chin big time. I've spared you by not showing the picture of how it looked. We got packed up and on the road as quickly as possible and at the first gas station picked up a bag of ice for me to use to retard the swelling.
Nearly three weeks later it is fairly well healed.