After spending some time in the water it was time to get warmed up on the rock.
Sat. about noon we packed up and took a short trip into Kenora, ON to visit the Railroad Museum - it was a very interesting place with an old station like building housing a model RR which depicted rail service from coast to coast and from the early days until now. The volunteer who showed us around gave us a good lesson on the history of the RR. T. really enjoyed watching all the trains traveling around on the big model.
Outside we were able to go into a real caboose and walk around on the external walkways of an engine.
After a DQ stop we went to a park that was close by where there was a beach on Lake of the Woods - Opa and T. had a good time swimming and Oma just sat around in the shade.
When everyone was good and hot and tired we headed home to Winnipeg.