Friday, July 30, 2010

Outing to Lac Lu part 2

Off for a canoe trip - about a half hour paddle towards the west of the island there is an inlet from another lake - to go to the other lake requires a portage. Getting to the portage point one must paddle through an area of many water lilies and cattail plants. With careful paddling it is possible to get right among the plants and see some interesting wild life. We were able to come quite close to a turtle (likely the western painted kind) sunning itself on a rock. We also found a discarded Red-winged black bird's nest in the cattails and collected it for T. to take home for show and tell.

At the portage point there is a small rapids where the stream flows into Lac Lu. Opa found a good place to beach the canoe with T. and Oma still in it - thus we could disembark with dry feet - didn't matter to T. but Oma sure likes keeping the feet dry. We hiked around in this area and then spent some time sailing stick boats down the rapids.

When T. was in the woods looking for dry sticks he made a great find - dry animal bones (likely a young deer). Something more to add to his collection for show & tell.

Oma what happened to the tote box?
Oma had to rest for a while by sitting on the tote box. Opa had to help her up while T. took another picture which is not going to be published.

After about an hour we headed back to the cabin - reaching there in time for lunch which was very much needed by everyone.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Outing to Lac Lu - July 22-24, 2010

We took our grandson for a couple of days to Helmut's sister's cabin on Lac Lu. The cabin is located on an island and we reached it by canoe. The crossing was pretty wet because it was raining but the luggage was well protected by plastic bags and the people didn't suffer much from getting wet.

We arrived after supper so only had to get ourselves settled for the night.

Fri. morning we had a pretty early start on the day because everyone was awake just after 6 am. We started out with a big pan cake breakfast. Then Opa and T. investigated the dock and tried the water which he thought was chilly while Oma cleaned up.

Then it was time for a hike around the area (20 minute walk if you keep going) . We took a little longer because we had to see where three deer went bounding off to. Then we met the neighbors' big golden retriever, who is a lot of bark but quite friendly. Stopped for a view from the rock at the top and also smelled the wild sage. When we came around to the fire pit area we saw one of the deer at the far end of the clearing.

Keep watching for the next installment.