Saturday, November 1, 2008

Views from two angles on the nearly finished drive/patio project.

It is all done now and there is one more row of pads straight out from the back door.

The brown thing in the lower part of the picture out from the back door is the top of the picnic table - it will get moved back on to the drive/patio by the back door for summer time. In the winter we have to use that part to park the extra vehicle which stays on the street in the summer time.


Dennis and Valerie said...

Looks really good. U. Helmut sure knows how to do a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

Did he put down a barrier or landscape fabric so weeds won't grow in the cracks? It looks so nice!

Jean said...

Most of the area had driveway before and the pads are on top of the old concrete. We didn't have too much trouble with weeds in the area where the pads were originally - near the lilac bush. I guess if they come up we'll just have to pull them out.

Anonymous said...

It was nice to see a few more angels of your patio!