Monday, April 30, 2007


This morning I got my bags packed and they are now ready to go with only the essentials to put in tomorrow morning. I just now remembered I better put in a little sewing kit.

We picked up a few more items at the store so that we would have some food along to keep the neighbor happy.

We visited Ben Sutton in the hospital for a little while this afternoon.

Spent the evening trying to type up two documents that were much over due to be done. Sometimes I just miss the old style type writer as I find it hard to set some things up on Microsoft Word.

We had some rain this morning and it was enough to really freshen things up nicely. It looks more and more like spring every day. The trees are slowly getting green. Some of the blooming trees are starting to show a little color now.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jean,
It sounds like you are about ready to go. I hope that you got a good night of sleep. I understand about just wanting a typewriter sometimes. With as many mistakes as I make in my typing nowadays, I kind of like the computer, though I can't always set things up just as I'd like.
I just finished my Bible reading, and noticeds that the C.G. topic was the tongue. Then I noticed that in Numbers, the children of Israel murmmered with their tongues bringing down the wrath of God. In Proverbs, the tongue is shown to be used for wisdom or folly. In 1 Peter 1, our whole body, soul and spirit are to be Holy, "for He is Holy". Isn't it in James that he tells us that the tongue is a small member, but is set on fire of hell. If we, through the Spirit, can control the tongue, we can control the whole body. It is a good lesson for me today, and everyday. If my lips are speaking forth His praise, I will be doing less evil with it. I need His power to do that for and in me.
Well, I am sure you are getting the last minute things done. We hope and pray that you will have a very good trip-being blessed and being a blessing to those you meet. I will be anxious to hear about your experiences. Love and prayers, Pat and John

Dennis and Valerie said...

By now I'm sure you are recovering from your flight. I hope you really enjoy your time in Germany. We will be anxiously awaiting the tales of your journey and hopefully someone can help you post some pictures!!!

Love, Valerie