Sunday, April 1, 2007

Scripture for the day -
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." Psalms 53:1

This is April Fools Day - many jokes have been played and silly things have been said today.

Let us take God seriously today and always.


Jean said...

Noticed I made a spelling mistake in the title should be northern- oh well.

Sarah said...

HEY AUNT JEAN welcom aboard :)

Good to see you on here will look forward to seeing more from you.

By the way. If you want to you can limit the people who see your blog if you are worried about that.

you will get it figured out.
have a great week

Dennis and Valerie said...

Hi Aunt Jean! Welcome to the blogging world! :) It is lots of fun and now we have a place to leave comments for you! Now you'll see how fun it is to read them... ;) Love, Valerie

Dennis and Valerie said...

A. Jean, you can edit your name of your blog. You go to the "dashboard" page where you can sign into your blog and you choose one of the options, I'm sorry can't remember what it is called exactly... But you'll have several options and it is under "template" or "changes" or "customize" or something like that.

Jean said...

Thanks, Val, I'll look into it (another thing I can do to procrastinate from working on the taxes.

Jean said...

Managed to get it done - I don't know if this has changed the URL for getting into the blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi sister--This is great. I am looking forward to tons of pictures of your grandson, kids and of course Germany. I thought of a name you could have given your blog. Thenorthwindblows.
Well, It got quite warm here today. Looking forward to seeing more from you. Love, Pat

Jean said...

Hey Sister, I see you finally checked in. No pics of the grandson - sorry his Mama doesn't approve. I haven't figured out the picture thing yet anyway. Very busy today with certain before mentioned duties but I'm formulating some ideas for my next post. Jean