May 23. We left Gersthofen headed for Wurtzburg on the way we hoped to find Biberbach. Helmut had located on the map a place called Markt in the close vicinity and wished to investigate it for the castle of his childhood memories. We found the village but had some trouble finding the appropriate road to ascend the burg (hill) to the castle from that particular side we couldn't observe the castle very well. some of the things H. could remember were that one side of the castle would be on a high hill and the other side would have a long level field. (the top of the "mountain" would be flat for a long distance), the castle had round towers (we had been looking for such a place).
A very narrow road seemed to be the only approach to this castle and it seemed almost unused. We decided to drive up and have a look. We had to wind around quite a while but did come to an area that looked like the long flat area at the top. We met one car descending. Finally we passed a house that H. did not remember (it certainly looked old enough to have been there 60 some years ago). then we finally found the castle. We drove right into the yard and some folks were standing around in the parking area. There was a church in the center of the area and Helmut recognized the buildings and noticed that the towers were square. (Childhood memories not quite accurate.)
Helmut started visiting with the people standing around and discovered that they were from the village area and had been at the church that Wed. morning for a special service. The pink building is the front door area of the Catholic Church. Helmut didn't remember ever being in it when he visited here as a boy. These people remembered some of the family that had owned the castle or at least occupied it in the 40's. There was some discussion (in German) about the family and the current owners (not part of the family H. knew.) The various parts of the castle are now owned by various people. The female person (in the picture) in charge of the church let us look around inside before she closed up. You can see the very ornate interior in three of the pictures.
Helmut's Dad brought the children to this place for a few weeks while he was making mattresses for the owners. The owners of that time were Mennonites and had many refugees working for them just after the war also villagers worked for them as day labourers.
Because I have trouble posting too many pictures at a time I will end this post and start on a new one with more pictures of this castle.
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