In the spring and the fall our assembly packs parcels for the mission work in Zambia. One of the things that they particularly like to get is children's clothing. I really enjoy sewing up girl's outfits such as you see in this picture. ( P. VE. do you recognize some of these prints?) The short dresses are about a size 3 and the longer ones are size 7 or 8. I recently made some red skirts from the "Christmas" print that P. gave me. They weren't completed when the picture was taken.
Double click the pictures to see the detail.
Yesterday when I was visitin Sarah and Nehemiah at the hosp., a nurse came in with a smock made from the frog material that you told me you'd made some clothes for Zambia. Well, I mentioned what you'd done, and Sarah took a gasp. Then realizing it was frogs, she thought it would be all right. I guess they are very superstitious about camolians (sp?). The smock was commercially made. The nurse said she'd formerly worked in pedes, so that was why shy was wearing it. I found it coincidental.
I took John up to hosp. after supper and he held Nehemaih. Not much comment, but on the way home, he said he was a cute little baby. I don't think he saw much, but he held him for awhile and touched his soft head. We are so thankgul to the Lord that little Nehemiah is safely here. God is so good. Have a good day. Pat
Well, I might have to rethink the destination of the frog pattern clothing. Some little girls in Lincoln might eventually grow into a size 4. The items haven't been packed yet.
Way to go, Aunt Jean! I love your egg trees too!
I'm glad you mentioned the double clicking again. It was nice to see the detail! I liked the lace down the front with the covered least they look covered.
Andrea, those are light blue plastic filigree buttons. I have a huge collection of buttons but I usually have trouble finding the right ones for decor. This time they just fit perfectly.
Very cute! I bet frog dresses would be cute too!
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