Some pictures of our nature study on Sat. May 31, '08. Remember to double click the pictures to see them on the full screen - the details will be much better.
Starting at the top the first two pictures are a Bald Eagle that has a nest in a tree across a narrow strip of water from Hanna's cabin.
#3 is a small bird's nest that Helmut spotted on the ground near a little tree. It has five eggs in it . We were not able to determine what type of bird the nest belongs to.
#4 a small white flower.
#5 a Creeping Charlie plant and flower - there are lots of them in the lawn near the cabin.
#6 & 7 Wild strawberry plants and blooms.
# 8 Common blue violet
Nobody got a picture of the other water fowl, turtles and deer. I didn't want to take the camera when we went canoeing because of my tendency to fall in the water - of course this time I stayed high and dry. I guess I should invest in a waterproof camera.
Your pictures are super. I really liked the view of the Bald Eagle on the top of the tree. How far were you from it? All those wild flower pictures remind me of John's slides of wild flowers from here, there and everywhere. Today has been a little harder as I've been emptying a drawer of John's treasures.
You actually got a picture of the eagle! That was so neat to see!
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