It was a cool clear morning with only some foggy patches in low spots.
Lots of nice scenery to enjoy on this day and lots of road construction to slow us down along the way. We took turns driving but Helmut did the most of it.
We had lunch at McDonald's in Sault Ste. Marie. From this point east the road follows the lake shore (sometimes close and some times further back). It is leveler ground with some farms in the area.
We arrived in Espanol around 4 -4:30 pm. We went shopping in a mall for gifts for Jansens and some groceries for our picnic supper. Couldn't reach J's by phone (they were expecting us but not just sure when). We drove over to Little Current on Manitoulin Island, stopped at the information center to find out about the ferry service on Friday. Then we went to a park over looking the harbour and had our picnic supper. In the harbour area we saw this boat cruising around. This is on the North Channel of Lake Huron.
We arrived at Barb & Evert's to find Barb & two granddaughters at home - Evert was out cutting hay. Another local friend of theirs dropped in for a little while and Barb served us all some tea.
Just before sunset we went to their cottage ( just down the road) and on the lake shore. It is occupied by some of Kyla's employees. Helmut and the two granddaughters went for a swim in the bay - it is very rocky there. Scott, the dog also had a swim and played fetch with a stick almost bigger than he is. It was a bit breezy and not too warm. You can see Pat is wearing a jacket - but she left the blanket back in the car.
We watched the sun set over the lake - since it was such a clear night there wasn't some of the beautiful colors that can sometimes be observed.
Evert took us out to see Kyla's riding stable just before dark - some changes have been made since we were there in Nov. 2007 and of course it was Pat's first chance to see it. Kyla was very busy laying rubber matting on the floor.
Later after we got back to the house Barb made supper for everyone - by this time we were also ready to eat again. We had a very good visit and really enjoyed our time with them.
The next morning I was awake before most everyone else ( these farmers sleep in now days because they don't have anymore cows to milk) so I went for a walk on the roads until I came to the gate of the riding stable - quite a good walk for me - about an hour. Saw a deer loping across a field. By the way I was able to exit the house without awaking Scott who sleeps on the porch or Katie, the border collie who sleeps outside or in the open back entry. Katie was up to greet me by the time I returned.
We visited with the family until about 11 am when we had to get on our way in order to make the ferry at South Baymouth on time. That will be the next episode.
I've looked at this post quite awhile now. I didn't know if you were waiting for my comment. Ha! I have forgotten what the Jansen's granddaughters' names are. You can tell me over the phone sometime. Talk to you later. Love, Pat
I hear ya sista. I'll try to get something new posted tomorrow.
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