On July 5 & 6 e visited Val & Dennis at jungle camp. Most of my readers have seen Val's pictures and explanations already so I'm not going to explain at great length. We were welcomed
heartily by our family and all the other residents at the jungle camp. during the first morning of our visit we had a tour of a large part of the camp and met several of the families and observed the various ways that they had made their houses and were living in the "jungle" or ON "wilderness" about a twenty minute walk from their normal residences at
NTM in Durham, ON
Two of V. & D.'s girls were happy to demonstrate how to use the kid size chair that their Dad had made them.

V. and the girls pose with two of the instructors in front of the staff house.
U. H. does what he loves - playing with the kids.

V. shows us how the washing machine works.
V. & D. and girls with U. H. in front of their house.
Some of the boys had made their own fort and were happy to show it off to L. & A.
Oh, it's fun to see some different pictures. They turned out really well. Of course, they bring back super memories. Glad you posted again. Love, Pat
Pat, You are fast - I hardly got the second post created and posted and you've already looked at this one. I have lots of trouble getting the captions next to the proper pictures.
You'll know what is what.
I love the one of the little girl sitting on her homemade chair. That's adorable!
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