On Mar. 13 - T. turned 4 years old so he had a special day with Opa and Oma.
Opa went to pick him up at his house before his Mama left for work - he was still sleeping so Opa had to wait for him to get up. Oma was at home making breakfast and wondering why the two guys weren't showing up to eat it. We had pancakes because that is one of T.'s favorites.
After breakfast Oma went grocery shopping while Opa and T. stayed at home and did some interesting things like bathing Abby, cracking walnuts and picking out the good parts to eat. Then they played with Lego for a while and finally with the construction straws. You can see the nice tower that they built.
There was also some time for playing Jenga. They got lots of blocks out of the tower before it collapsed.
Oma made some chocolate cup cakes and T. licked the batter off the beaters - he got a little beard from the batter so Opa made himself a beard to match.