In the afternoon we took T. to the park to do some tobogganing. As you can see we basically had two slides to ourselves most of the time. It was a beautiful day just cold enough for good ice and warm enough that you could stand around and not get cold. ( very important for Oma) Those sliders that were running back and forth all the time didn't have time to get cold, in fact Opa got too warm.
1. - Two guys climbing up to the top of the slide.
2.- All set to go.
3.- On the way down.
4.- T. at the end of the run. His little toboggan slides real well.
5.- Opa has to use his hand to help get to the end of the run.
After about an hour and a half T. was tired and wanted to go back home. Oh, by the way Oma slid down with Opa twice but getting up from the toboggan at the end of the run was super difficult.
6.-Time for a icicle treat after we got back home. Opa is getting one from the front of the house. These are "natural Popsicles" made from melted dripping roof snow.
7.- T. is eyeing up his treasure.
8.- Trying out the icicle for flavor. Sorry about the double take.
9.- After supper of mac and cheese we had chocolate cup cakes. T. helped Oma decorate them .
aww how special!
Somehow I missed all the pictures on the first time around. Looks like T. had a lot of fun. I always liked icicles. There used to be tons more of them before attics were insulated. Not at all uncommon to see huge ones on either side of a peaked roof. I am truly glad you are enjoying winter. I think it would be sad if you were faking it in order to make us jealous. I am glad for warmer weather earlier. So that should make both of us happy.
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