Saturday, November 3, 2007


On May 24 we continued our journey toward the Rhein River hoping to be able to take a boat tour down the famous section of the river to observe the beauty and many castles along the way.
We arrived at Eltville about mid morning - the place was very lush and beautiful. (I will make more than one post as I have so many great pictures that I want to share.) WE first searched out the cruise ship office to find out what the possibilities of a tour were. It wasn't open but the next tour was scheduled to depart in about two hours. The advertised fare was nearly E30 so that was pretty hefty. We strolled along the promenade (walk way) of the river enjoying watching the ship traffic, the geese & ducks and the gorgeous roses.
We visited the grounds of the Kurfuerstliche Burg den Erzbischoefe von Mainz. This castle was first built in 1329. The palace was destroyed in 1635 and the east wing in 1682. The dwelling tower survived from the 14th. century. Since 1936 the property (has belonged) to the city of Eltville. The Rhein gate to the moat was built in the 19th. century. This is the information found on the round sign picture.
Next episode will prove that I am not the only one on this tour. Too bad you have to see so many pix with me in them.

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