Meet Mr. Pine Grosbeak who came to visit our yard this afternoon. He stayed around for nearly an hour and let different people get quite close up. Ruth was within a meter of him when taking the picture. He seemed to be finding yummy seeds to eat in the edge of the flower bed and under the cedar tree. Helmut first spotted him during the snow removal efforts on our walkway. Then Helmut went to clean the neighbour's walk and drive and the bird was still in the same area when H. returned. I arrived home from shopping and had the chance to observe the bird up close for several minutes before it decided to fly off to the neighbour's yard. when I saw it fly I knew it wasn't injured which I had suspected before hand. what a special treat from the Lord to be able to see this little guy up close.
1 comment:
Well, pretty bird we loved seeing you even though no one else seems to notice you.
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