Some were used ones forsale and the race car was on display in the museum.
Today we are a bit frustrated because two of the four vehicles in the at home family are out of commission. So One person has been acting a chaufer back and forth hither and yon for the last couple of days. Our mini van is working fine and today we renewed the insurance on the big van. A's VW has some major problem so he is not driving it at all. R.'s CRV has a dead heater so when it is very cold the windshield won't clear so she can't always drive it. The CRV is slated for a repair appointment tomorrow. A. ordered a kit of parts for the VW so we will see how soon it arrives and how long it will take to get the work done.
At first I thought that you were showing off a car you'd bought. Guess it would have been quite difficult to have brought one of those home if you had bought it. I also am amused at the thought of you and Helmut driving down the road in one of those sport cars. I could possibly see Andrew in it. By the way, did Helmut bypass the mid-life crisis? Maybe he hasn't reached it yet. John was always going to save up something really special for that, and I guess it turned out to be a bad joke. He always smiled at Dad's powder blue suit and new cars and gadgets. Well, I hope you can get some of your vehicles going soon. It is to get down below zero tonight, but if we can hang out til later in the week, possible the 30's and 40's. Bye.
Can you please identify the various makes and years of the automobiles?
And when Dad drove me to school, was that hither or was it yon?
Bet Andrew could give the makes and years. Hey REZ did your Dad listen to Haven of Rest and classical music when he drove you hither or yon?
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