I love to sew as most of you know. At New years eve T. was staying with us over night and since I was doing a little sewing I had him "help" me. We made him a pair of sweat pants. He is a little short legged to reach the foot control and be able to help feed the cloth through the machine at the same time. The best we could do together was for him to sit on my lap and help feed the cloth. He got to raise and lower the foot when necessary.
PS -T. is not as "destitute" as he looks without a shirt. He just gets hot when racing around with Opa which was what he was up to before the sewing lesson.
Oh how fun! It looks like he as well as you were enjoying the lesson. It is so precious not only to enter their play, but let them enter into your work. He is so cute. You have a good day. Your sis
So THIS is where I have to go to find you! This picture reminds me of the one I have of you doing the toast at camp with the littlest Valks boy. You must have a way of making kids want to work with you!
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