We really love having a home on Pebble Beach - it is such a famous location. This is our lake side dwelling on this very rainy Friday, June 6th.
In the top picture you see the car that decided not to try passing through the deep waters. The driver stopped right where you see the car backed up turned into our driveway and turned around to go back the way he/she had come from.
In the 3rd. picture you see the lake from south to north on the Pebble Beach Rd. it extends from our driveway at the back edge of the house to the drive of the house across the street from us - about one block.
The 4th. picture shows the length of the lake east to west from the curb (grassy area) at the bottom of the picture to the driveway of our next door neighbor - the lots are 60 feet wide plus about 14 feet from our lot line to the street and the width of the street.
5th. picture is a brave soul testing out the depth of the lake - the water comes to the top of his boots - when he told me he was going to wade out there I thought he was going to put on his swim trunks and go barefoot - I thought it was a bit cool for that. (We used to take our kids out to swim in this lake when they were smaller and it formed on a hot day.)
Last - most vehicles go right on through like this truck. It was fun to watch a little Smartcar driving through.
This lake has been here since early morning - it is 1pm. now and the city workers are out there now trying to figure out how to get it to drain. It continues to rain.
I was amazed at the "lake" but even more amazed at the color of your house. I never knew that you painted the brown part blue. Well, I do like your lake, but it looks like a tricky access. If it has been raining, how did you get the pictures where it is sunshining?
Surprise - it is not sunshining in any of these pictures. The water may appear to reflect some light but that is only from a cloudy rainy sky. The rain was coming down quite a bit when I was out taking some of the pictures. Some I took from the front doorway.
The pictures in the earlier post were taken on other days when the sun was shining.
If you double click the bottom two pictures and make them full screen you can see the rain pellting down.
Pretty neat--the rain, that is.
Wow, you weren't kidding. I once heard of someone canoeing in a lake like that...did it ever happen there?
wow the boys would sure love that :) that is a lot of rain..and standing water.
There has been alot of flooding around Seward where Matt works. Bridges covered and some of the parks and fairgrounds are under water.
One word: WOW!!!
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