Last week my dear husband decided that it was time to do something about the deteriorating driveway. There was also a need to make it a bit wider or at least more accessible in its width.
First step was to remove about half of a large lilac bush on the north side of the driveway area - it can be seen just on the outside edge of the evergreen tree at the corner of the house (if you enlarge the picture).
Secondly a area near the lilac needed to be excavated about 3 to 4 inches deep and two feet wide and about 12 feet long to give a little more parking space for one of the three vehicles that need space across the driveway.
Then comes the sand spreading step.
Followed by laying of the concrete tiles. Getting the tiles was more economical if H. picked them up in the big van but that required several trips to the company. At first he was told that they didn't have as many tiles as he required - when he returned today for the smaller size tiles they told him that they had found about 50 more of the bigger ones so he got them and then on another trip picked up the small ones that were still needed.
The pictures were taken on Sat. when there were only a few tiles laid down - as of supper time this evening most of the tiles are down - I didn't get out there a take a picture before dark.