This is one very wet gloomy day in fall.
Working out doors is out of the question unless one feels like being a duck or fish.
This morning I quartered up all of these plums and lined them up on a tray to freeze. When they are nice and frozen I will transfer them to ZipLock bags for the freezer. You are wondering what I do with frozen quarter plums? One fine day they will be made into a very delicious plumb cake with buttery crumbs on top. A much sought after dessert at this house. Plums are hard to come-by except at this time of year so the last two years I have decided to freeze some for later use.
Here is the recipe:
Fruit Struzzel Cake (similar to Platz)
1/3 to 1/2 c. of butter
3/4 c. white sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
Mix together as for a cake. Add
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Should make a medium stiff dough. Knead the dough until it sticks together then roll it out thin on a jelly roll pan or large cookie sheet with sides.
Top with plums placed very close together. Use fresh or frozen plums or any other fruit such as apricots, cherries, peaches, blue berries or apples ( which don't turn out so colorful).
Make struzzel of:
1/2 to 3/4 c. flour
1/2 to 3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. hard butter
Worked together with fingers until large crumbs form. Spread over the top evenly.
Bake at 350 F. until light brown about 15 - 20 minutes keep a close eye on it while baking.
Have a fun baking day on your next gloomy day.
We had sunshine until noon, then it got cloudy and rained an hour or so this afternoon. I baked baking powder biscuits. Tried to think of something not too sweet to entice me. I don't know how I'll use them for supper. I may eat them with butter and syrup, or make creamed dried beef on biscuits. I'll add fruit, etc. I next to never buy plums, but I freeze strawberries in the manor you are doing your plums. In fact, I have strawberries from the spring of 07. Says something about how much I like them. :-(
It is supposed to rain tomorrow, and I have a dentist appointment! I guess you could say that I'm a little under the weather.
Better get those plums into the freezer. They've been there for about a week. Or are you drying them? Ha!
Have those plums turned into prunes yet?
Those plums are quite safe in the freezer in baggies.
If you are trying to hint that I need a new post you are probably correct but I haven't thought of any thing yet.
Say, sister, P. you might start up your own blog - all your readership is waiting.
You and who else?
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