On the Sat. morning after Thanksgiving with the Shorts we went to the Malvern Bible Chapel to help prepare ginger bread houses for an outreach activity that they were planning for the next week end. We had lots of fun working together with the other believers and visiting at the same time.
The gal in the dark blue in the top picture is Laura Short.
Second picture is Merve, Nancy & Ziggy
Third picture the gal in white is Carla, the "contractor" "supervisor" or the moving force behind the project.
The precision builder in the striped shirt is my dear Helmut.
In the bottom picture you have Andrew, Audrey, Barbie and the lady in red -whose name I don't remember.
It looks like you had a lot of fun. Were they made of graham crackers?
No graham crackers - real homemade ginger bread. Carla has several molds to bake them in and she gets several sisters to make the dough and bake it ahead of time and wrap all the parts for one house in a packet by themselves. they actually are suppose to be chapels at least one of the designs resembled that the other was more like a little cabin.
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