On the Friday after U.S. Thanksgiving Andrew, Barbie, Ruth, Helmut and I took a day trip to Lancaster County, PA. First stop was a photo op at Zimmerman's store. We didn't go in so I'm not sure if it was a general store or a little grocery store. Then we continued on to the Kitchen Kettle "Mall" which is a Mennonite/Amish shopping area. Helmut had forgotten his cap so that was the first thing we had to purchase. Mostly we walked around looking at the various wares but bought very little. We were in a place that sold hand made furniture and wooden items - it was very interesting. I found the quilt shop very nice to look at but the beautiful hand made quilts were very high priced. No doubt they require many hours of labor.
I had a baked ham sandwich for my lunch and the rest of the family waited until later in the afternoon to eat.
The area looks a bit quaint. It sounds like a fun place to see. Handwork is very expensive. I often think of the hours that went into crocheted doilies or tatted items that sell for little or nothing at garage sales.
I love all your pictures of going to PA. It's an exciting time for your family! : )
Its so nice that you could go down and spend time with her family. It saddens me how little our families know each other. They only met at the wedding, but its hard since both parents still work full time. It will make the transition for Barbie so much easier.
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