Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Back to Duesseldorf

On the Sunday we went to the church where Herrmann was preaching that day. It was the Pentecost Sunday. Dorla was preaching in one of her churches but she particularly asked us to go with Herrmann. The place where we went was in Obertein - it is Lutheran. Helmut said that what Herrmann had to say was OK but I didn't understand. I followed the scriptures that he read and that was all. The group seemed small ( not as small as our assembly) for the size of the church and more older folks than young ones. The singing was "weak" compared to what we are used to.

After a good meal with H. & D. and lots more visiting we started out for Duesseldorf.
In the early evening we arrived at Ursula's and she wasn't home. So we went to the local Greek grill and got some supper. After eating we decided to walk around a while and then to Renate's home - there we found Renate, Wilfried and Ursula. They welcomed us in and gave of ice cream with raspberries and listened to our tales about our trip.

We went home with Ursula where we will stay for the rest of our time in Germany and just make a couple of day trips.

There just aren't in significant pictures taken on this Sun. afternoon.

1 comment:

Pat VE said...

I think it is neat how the Lord provided you with family and a German speaking "tour guide" for your trip. It was nice that you could finish up with the family in Duesselforf. I am sure that you'll long remember this trip. Pat