Sunday, December 2, 2007

More to Learn

Here I am again without pictures. Andrew uploaded all our pictures on to the new computer but he didn't show me how to get the blogspot to upload them onto the blog so I am still without pictures to go with my stories. I won't start into another episode of Travel in Germany until I can use the pictures. all these things are so complicated for a rusty old brain.

We had a nice restful afternoon. We went to the evening meeting at St. James Gospel Chapel. Afterwards we stopped to visit Mrs. H. an elderly sister in the Lord.

Yesterday, evening we attended a choral concert by the University Singers and the University Women's Choir. three women from our assembly sing in the second choir. Katie is a student at the U. and is taking this choir course, her Mom & Aunt sing in it for the fun of it - the director asked for others to join to increase the size of the choir. "Aunt" S. and her husband had all the guests that they had invited to the concert to come to their place afterwards for tea and fellowship. Their French-Catholic neighbours were there and S's colleague and her brother were there beside some of the folks from the meeting and another aunt & Katie's boyfriend.

The bout with gout seems to be past but I am still taking the medication until tomorrow. I have to visit the doctor to find out the test results of the blood work - whether or not I will require some on going medication.

1 comment:

Pat VE said...

It sounds like you had an enjoyable afternoon of music and fellowship. I went to a Christmas sing-along out at Back to the Bible. Remember trying to go on July 2? Well, they did come through for Christmas. Mrs. Sundeen played and they had a huge screen that showed her playing. It was hard to read the words if I wasn't familiar with them and see her fingers go at 120 mph. The song leader said that "her left hand doesn't know what her right hand is doing" an expression she's heard often in the past. It was a wonderful time of exalting the Lord Jesus,not only in His birth but life, death, resurrection and coming again. Glad to hear that your gout is going. Have a good day. Love, Pat