On May 25Th. we woke up fairly early so Helmut decided to have a swim in the hotel indoor pool before breakfast. This gave me plenty of time to get up, dressed and have time for my devotional reading before breakfast. This morning there was no reason to be in a rush because the opal company was going to drain the gas tank of the car so we had lots of time to see Cochem on foot.
The breakfast served in this deluxe hotel provided the greatest variety of choices that we had seen at any place where we stayed. You could even make your own juice from oranges or apples in an electric juicer.There was a large choice of breads and buns and many cheese and cold cut choices. They also had a selection of fried or scrambled eggs, bacon, wieners fresh fruits and vegetables and cereals. We chose plenty to try to keep us filled up as long as possible into the day.
We packed up all our bags after breakfast so that we could vacate our room by the given time. the hotel manager or owner allowed us to place all of our luggage in the office until the car would be ready. Helmut had a very long visit with this gentleman while I waited not really understanding much of the conversation - some of it was spiritual.
So we spent the remainder of the morning and well into the afternoon walking along the main street that follows the river in Cochem. Between the road and the river there was quite a bit of green area, plenty of benches for sitting on and beautiful sightseeing. Of course the WC's were scarce but near the main bus terminal area there was a WC where you had to pay to use but at least it was there and fairly clean. the flowers in this town were perky and fresh a gave the area a lovely appearance. There seemed to be a number of shops selling plants and garden items.
In the picture where you see me walking away from the cameras there is a castle on the top of the hill that is the one that Helmut walked up to the night before. There are a couple of shots of different buildings along the way. The little "tree" is made up of pots of geraniums in a special wire structure. The row of blooming bushes are roses.
It got fairly hot as we were walking along this way so I would often have to stop under those low trees that you see ahead of me to have a stand-up rest in the shade. Finally at one point about half way back from the "hill end" of the walk I had to just sit at a picnic bench to wait while Helmut walked the remainder of the way to the Opal dealer to get the car. Before he left to get the car he bought me a bottle of orange juice because my fuel reserve was getting low.
Helmut got the car and picked me up then we went to the hotel for our luggage and another conversation with the owner. We finally got on the road for our next destination by about 3:30pm.
(It took Andrew a few tries to help me learn how to upload pictures from our new set-up but I hope that I'll remember now ---Thanks Andrew.)
I really enjoyed the pictures of Cochem. That must have been a fun day--not so pressured. I like the building with H. in the foreground that has balconies. I have hardly seen a picture of any day with rain or bad weather. Of course you probably wouldn't have taken pictures then. Did H. tell you if the man was interested in the gospel? Glad you can put pictures on your blog once again. Love, Pat
Most of the rainy weather was in the Black forest area and the pictures of that part of the trip don't show how rainy it was. I don't post the really poor pictures if I can help it. This particular day was very foggy in the morning but it pretty well cleared up by the time that we went out for our walk.
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