Mon, May, 28 --After a nice leisurely breakfast with Ursula and some time to talk and prepare Helmut and I took a walk to Aunt Hilde & Uncle Helmut's which is only about 10 minutes away. It was raining lightly but it didn't really wet us too much. This picture of them and Helmut in front of their house was taken on a different day- this morning they didn't come outside. We visited for about and hour and U. Helmut was very quiet and cooperative so we had a good chance to visit with aunt Hilde. It was much easier than the day that she took us out to a restaurant- at that time most of her time was spent helping U. H.
We had a quick lunch with Ursula and then she prepared to go out for the afternoon with a friend. we were invited to visit a family at Schuellenbach a village in the same area as the Weidnes bible School (east of Duesseldorf). We had special written out directions that Ursula had gotten from Christianna over the phone. However, some how we missed the proper turnoff from the autobahn and got mostly lost (unplanned sight seeing) for quite a while. Finally we arrived at the Wissing's and had a wonderful time of fellowship with these lovely Christians. Mrs. W. is a friend of long standing with Doreen H. here in Winnipeg. We had met her many years ago when she visited Doreen - that was before she married Johannes. They have adopted three nice children and we enjoyed meeting all of them. The little gal (5 Yrs.) really took to me and had a great time telling me all kinds of things that I didn't understand. When I asked in German for something to be passed at the table she was so surprised that she didn't pass it. Johannes said that my request was completely understandable.
In the course of the visit with them we found out that they are well acquainted with some folks who used to live in Valley City, ND. It ends up that Myrna knows the same folks that they know.
After supper with these folks we returned to Duesseldorf which wasn't far at all when you know the route.
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