Doin' two things at once. I am not quite as handy holding the phone and using both hands to do something else as my sister is - but sometimes I can do it.
Back in Aug. when this activity was taking place I was asked about the drying rack that H. had made. I don't remember if I posted any pictures at that time - I think not. Here it is set up in Ruth's room because she was already in TX. Since the rack stays up about three weeks it is good to have it in a place a little out of the usual traffic way. the rack has two more "shelves" above the ones that you see in the picture. In nice warm dry days it takes about three days for a batch of apple slices to dry enough to be stored. If the humidity is high such as in rainy weather it will take more days.
Thanks for the picture of the drying frame. It is pretty much as you described it. As for multitasking, I mentioned on the wall that I had cleaned cobwebs out of the basement ceiling and ironed and starched the lace curtains from upstairs, well, I talked to Desiree the whole time on the telephone and she kept me company. Hehe.
Say Pat, do you get a sore or stiff neck from holding the phone that way for so long?
I'm taking a little break from housecleaning right now. Just finished the usual routine in the WC (I'm using German now. ha)
This afternoon I need to finish dusting and tidying the living-dining room, bake some cookies, possibly go to the store for a few things I missed on shopping day.
We plan to have four guests on Sun. for dinner so I want to be ready. Oh, ya I need to water the house plants today also. I BETTER GET AT IT
I don't get a sore neck from holding the phone, but I often cut people off on my cordless due to the position of the talk button. I have dropped the phone in the sink and other unmentionable places. One night I tripped on the picnic table leg in the dark and went spradling down onto the rock. The phone came apart into 3 pieces and the party was still there. I was there too, a little bruised and sore.
This is where things got funny! I got such a kick out of you and your sister talking about talking on the phone! I suggested head sets for your cordlesses
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