Ruth decided to show us this outstanding group of sculptures that reside in a little park in the downtown area of Dallas. First Ruth and Helmut admired the cowboy on his horse driving the cattle over the little bluff and down a stream. Ruth figured that we could have a better advantage by going to the other side of the stream to view the herd and another cowboy on a horse. So Helmut crossed over on the stones in the stream followed by Ruth who offered to help me - I said I could make it alone as the stones appeared quite flat and not far apart. Ruth made some comment about me being careful with the camera or that it was a good thing I didn't have it ( I never heard the comment). Actually Helmut had the camera which was a very good thing. I stood on the first stone and put my foot to the second stone and some how missed or slipped off the side of it and fell into what looked like a shallow stream - it turned out to be enough water to soak me from head to foot even getting my face wet even though it was facing the sky. Both Helmut and Ruth rushed to my rescue and helped to pull me out - quite a task because I hurt my knee and shin and had trouble getting my footing again in the water. Finally you see me standing on the pavement soaking wet with the herd of cattle looking quite undisturbed.
It was a good thing that the weather was warm - at first the water seemed quite chilly but once I was out of it I warmed up quite quickly. ( No worse than a swim in Lake Winnipeg in June) We changed our tour plans and went back to Ruth's apartment so that I could get dry and have a change of clothes.
We continued our tour and the pictures and details will be on the next post.
I was wondering how you didn't get mowed down by the stampede. Actually, I knew they were statues. That kind of action sounds like one of my tricks. When I get to Matt and Sarah's (this winter) I always call on the cell phone to have them come out and either help or watch me in.
Keep upright this week. Pat
I seem to keep steadier on ice than on stones in water. Enough said.
The scrap is finally looking fairly healed up and it isn't so sore to kneel on now.
Will Matt & Sarah's front door be any easier to access - once they get it renovated that is?
I'll never be able to repeat all that I said here! I love these pictures! They show that you have a good sense of humour! The only thing I remembered was that I tried not to laugh at your misfortune my friend!
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