Our next stop of interest after I was changed was the Dallas Heritage Village which of course was over on the side of town where we had come from when I got wet so we had a little driving to do. We thought we could stop for lunch on our way at a fast food place that Ruth recommended but there was no parking available so went on to the Village hoping that they would have a place to eat heritage food. No such luck with that idea but we stayed there to see the place before we went looking for lunch.
This village is set up with some of the old houses of early Dallas, a farm, the main street of early Dallas, and other houses that would have been on the range of TX in the early days.
The white house where Helmut & Ruth are standing out front was the largest of the houses and had belonged to an influential family of Dallas. the "lady of the house told us all about the family and house and times. ( she wasn't dressed in the style of the era).
In many to the houses the "guides" were dressed as in the era that they were representing and they talked to you as if you had come to visit them on a Wed. afternoon of long ago. We saw a couple of houses that went by the name of Dog Run or Gun Shot houses, these had the front and back doors exactly opposite of one another with nothing obstructing the passage between. The idea was that you could shoot straight through the house or the dog could run straight through. The farm house was not closed in the passage way - it had a roof over the hall way with two rooms on each side on the main floor - I can't remember it the second floor crossed the passage way or not. Ruth was up there but I refrained from climbing those steps. We didn't take a picture of those houses. The interpreter at the farm house said that in the hot summer nights the family would sleep in this open passage way as it would be cooler than in the house. There was a wreath or long fan of laural leaves on the wall we were told that if the leaves are fresh it is useful to repel the flies.
The house with the big porch, red roof and lots of gables where two "ladies" are rocking on the porch was a favorite of Ruth's.
Helmut is all set to give us a performance of some sort in the band stand. Funny to see Christmas decorations all over the place on such a lovely warm day.
If I could find the pamphlet that we got at this place I could give more details.
By the end of this tour I was quite hungry and in need of lunch. We decided to try Panera Bread and Ruth knew of one near our next point of interest so we head that way. The sandwiches proved too big for Ruth and me so we each saved half of ours to eat at supper time. We had a cooler bag with a ice block so put them away for later.
It is a strange thing to look across the yards from these old time places and see the Dallas high rises in the back ground and see and hear the steady stream of traffic.
Remember that if you double click on a picture it will fill the whole screen - they actually look much better enlarged.
Thanks for the tip on the double click. I wanted to save that picture of Helmut and Toby washing the poor dog but it is small!
Oh so that IS you rocking with Ruth!
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