You know those eye shields that some folks wear on the airplane - Long ago the airlines used to give them out in kits. This dog has her own built on one. She sleeps under the kitchen table where it is bright sun shine for a long time everyday. You can also see her getting a bath back in June. She had a bath on Christmas day courtesy of Opa & T. again on New years eve T. said " Abby is stinky" so of course T. thought that A. should have another bath. A doesn't fight the baths now like she did when she was younger. However, a once a week bath for her is unheard of before this recent episode.

I was going to say that she looks pretty docile for getting a bath. It also looks like T is thrilling to the ocassion. Is the wash tub in your basement? I'm sure you're not hauling her anywhere else. Cute. Your sis, Pat
That's our basement. That double washtub is very handy for many things I have even bathed kids in it sometimes - i don't remember why.
'There used to be a pet do-it-yourself grooming shop near here but it is gone now and I'm sure it costs more than I want to spend to havr a dog shampooed. We do take her to get her nails trimmed about every three or four months now that she isn't out walking on concrete on a regular basis. It is about a thir of the cost of a nail trim for myself - Blue Cross pays for some of mine but none of Abby's dah.
T. loves doing things with Opa.
I saved this picture...the look on Helmut's face says it all! Nothing is too much trouble for your grandkids! Even if you DID already wash your dog this week! Poor Abby
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