Moving day for Ruth. Thurs. Dec. 20Th. On Wed. evening we packed as much of Ruth's belongings as we possibly could and had them lined up in the living room area ready to pack into the cars in the morning. After our fairly early breakfast Helmut took apart the bed and then started to pack our van. Ruth had to go on an errand to the post office and bank but it didn't take her too long. H. & R. carried all of the stuff down to the cars and got everything packed snugly in. I remained in the apartment until we were ready to leave because my knee and leg hurt so much from the fall and I just didn't feel like I could negotiate three flights of steps more the once.
I think we finally got away from Dallas about 10:30 in the morning. You can see Ruth's Honda entering the free way as she led us through the busy highway system of Dallas. Then you see some tall buildings behind a bit of highway as we left the city. The multilevel highways and interchanges are quite impressive but very difficult to photograph from the car window.
In southern Oklahoma we came through some interesting landscape I think is is the Ardach (or something similar) Wilderness. It is very rocky and hilly with lots of forest.
Further north in Oklahoma we noticed a lot of red soil so we also had to take a picture or two of it.
Our traveling was uneventful with clear dry roads the usual pit stops and food breaks. Ma & Pa need a few more of these stops than Ruth does but she cooperated and stopped when we did.
As we were approaching the Kansas City area Ruth signaled us to stop. When we found a parking lot where we could pull in she told us that Aunt Pat had phoned and wanted us to come to Lincoln for the night. We settled the arrangements and headed to Lincoln. We would have gone a different route if we had known earlier but at this point it was only a little back tracking.
We arrived in Lincoln pretty close to midnight. Matt & Sarah kindly put us up for the night with the understanding that we would have breakfast at Pat & John's as Val & Dennis & girls were there. this way we got to see everyone.
That entrance ramp onto one of the freeways reminded me of when we went around Dallas. I thought that for a state the size of TX, they could have afforded a lot longer and more room for the entrance and exit ramps.
Interesting, Pat, I never even considered that the ramps were much different than the normal.
Interesting, Pat, I never even considered that the ramps were much different than the normal.
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