Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day Two in the Eifel - Burg Eltz

The computer is in a bad mood the last few days but we will see if I can post something this afternoon. Now I have four pictures - they don't always line themselves up as I expect.
On our second day with Bruni and Hans the big planned activity was an excursion to Burg Eltz which is not so very far from their place - a little more distant than for walking. Hans decided not to accompany us in favor of staying home to prepare another yummy dinner. He's probably seen the burg more than once and those antique castles don't change much from one year to the next. Bruni, Ursula, Helmut & I made up our touring party for the morning. so we set off in "our" car on a rainy morning.
Upon arrival at the parking lot we discovered that we had to walk downhill 700m - a fairly steep road. We could've used a shuttle bus but we opted not to. (Bruni and I think Ursula also knew ahead of time that this long walk was involved.) We took our leisurely way down the road - me being the main reason for the slow decent. However it gave us opportunity to enjoy the views all around us.
You will notice two pictures of the castle way down in the valley (one photo I'm in the corner). There is also a photo of a ruin - this was the fortification of one of the enemies. It was just a little higher up the mountain from where I'm standing above the Eltz castle. The fourth picture is the lower end of the road from the castle up to the parking lot. by the way Ursula and I took the shuttle bus up at the end of our tour.
The tour of the inside of the castle went through two of the three different houses of the burg. It was conducted in German of course - I think they would have done it in English for a group of 20 or more. the guide talked about the furnishings, the paintings and the original and later occupants of the place. We went up and down several different spiral stairways and saw rooms that were for various uses furnished as they would have been in the days of occupation. The wealth of the original owners is seen by the elaborate style and decor. We don't seem to have any pictures of the interior. It is sad to think of all the poor servants and workmen who had to labour over these fancy places for the rich rulers.
We returned to Hans & Bruni's for our midday meal and then took our leave for Duesseldorf in the mid-afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Did you ever go through the Salisbury House in Des Moines? It was patterned off the King's house in Salisbury England. I would imagine that you had an interesting time touring the castles, but that it might have just a bit more interesting had they been done in English.
Keep your blogs coming. Is anyone else out there reading these? Thanks, Pat

Jean said...

You were 'johnny -on-the-spot today, Sis. Once in a while Val makes a comment I otherwise don't know if anyone else reads them.

Anonymous said...

This is what I call a personal tour! Wow! Pat

Jean said...

I've spent the day shopping for groceries and putting them away. Then shopping for a new dress and material for a skirt & blouse. I started this before supper and then Ruth wanted to use the computer.