Thursday, September 20, 2007

Clean Up Time

"Clean up, clean up, everybody has to clean up" is a little song that C. sings with T. when it is time to clean up his toys - I am applying it to my fall work in the garden.

To take advantage of the beautiful afternoon yesterday I went to the veggie garden and started to rip out the various dead and dying plants. This is a "fun" exercise and doesn't require very much "carefulness or skill". Just remember to leave behind the plants that look like they might still produce a little more if the frost holds off.

In my garden there is still one very healthy looking tomato plant with the very tiny tomatoes that has a lot of green fruit and it looks like they will ripen up if we have a few more warm days. The carrots are still doing quite nicely down in the ground (I hope it is a long time yet until the ground freezes. I only have a short row of the little root veggies with lots of vitamin A. Then I have several new parsley plants that I will leave over the winter as they will grow up from the roots next spring. I'll probably pot one of them for an indoor plant that I can occasionally get a sprig from to garnish some dull plate of food.

There is still plenty of "clean up, clean up" to be done but today is rainy and not very inviting to get out there and work. Perhaps the moisture will soften up the hard ground.

Also yesterday, my dear Husband suggested a trip to the park to enjoy the view of the colorful trees. So we had our walk there and also watched the geese and ducks who have come for a temporary sojourn on the pond.


Pat VE said...

How disappointing. I thought your clean up was indoors. I would almost jump in the van and come up to help if it were. I do need to get out and mow, but it is very warm today. I thought I might get at it after supper, but I see that I have a class on my calendar to go to a meeting where they will discuss frauds, scams, etc. If I go, maybe I can postpone the mowing until tomorrow. We had Coffee Hour here today, and then I went to lunch with one of the ladies. I would really like to do some indoor painting, but once again, it is not the time to make messes. I need to be content!
Lord willing, I may be able to take the 3 grandsons from here and go to the apple orchard on Monday. We'll see. Love, Pat

Jean said...

Indoor cleaning-ugh. One of these days I will definitly have to tackle that job also.

This afternoon about 3:15 we picked T. up from day care and we planned to take him to the park to feed the geese. The park of first choice (near to their house) didn't have enough geese to make it worth while. so we came on over to our part of town and found some ducks and four geese on one of our neighborhood ponds. T. really enjoyed throwing the bread and sunflower seeds out for the ducks and geese. The ducks were the most fun to watch as they did a little scrappin over who would get the crumbs or seeds. the geese weren't very interested in the seeds but really gobbled up the crumbs. It was very misty and wet out (real duck weather) but not too enjoyable for humans.