Monday, September 17, 2007

Tid Bits

Is it fall or is it summer? Whatever the day brings we will be happy or at least we should not be effected by the weather.

Last week was rather chilly most of the days and all of the nights - we just missed having frost by one degree I am sure.

Since we were invited to a lawn wedding on Sat. we were hoping it wouldn't be too cold - the Lord was very good to give us a beautiful sunny afternoon. Light wraps or coats were necessary.

Sunday and today have been very balmy and warm in the afternoons just like summer.

It is time now to start cleaning up the gardens - the veggies are done even though no frost has arrived to totally kill the plants. I still have a few carrots in the ground which would be OK even with a little frost. I likely will have them used up before the real freeze comes. I tidied up the rose bed and gave it a good drink the other day but that is about all that has been accomplished so far.

We had a little rain the other day but not enough to make up for the lack of the stuff the last several weeks. There are big cracks in the ground and the grass is turning brown already.

All in all it is a beautiful time of the year for going on walks or just sitting out. Hardly a mosquito in sight and the other pests "wasps" that usually come at this time were hardly noticeable this year.

The ash trees are letting their leaves "fall " already - they seem to be the first. Almost all the larger deciduous trees turn yellow in our area, some small trees and shrubs turn red. the overall look in the early fall is yellow and green with red at the base in some spots. Then of course there are the beautiful yellow to brown harvested fields and some slightly green pastures or hay fields to contrast. All set against the shinning blue sky with a fluffy white could or two. GREAT Scenery. Too bad the camera is still in the repair shop. the sun is set by now and it was quite cloudy by 6pm anyway.


Pat VE said...

Our weather has been similar. Yesterday and today were hot--even as high as 90. I wore a sweater when I went out because of the air conditioning. John wore a flannel shirt when we went to Mahoney State Park this evening to eat. I have really been itching to get out of town, so John agreed to go there. Bless his heart, he can't see a thing, much less his food and he endured a ride for my sake. I am really grateful we got to go. The trees haven't started turning here yet. The burr oaks' leaves are drying up. John said that is what burr oaks do. They don't turn. There are a lot of them at Mahoney. Just looking out over the Platte, it looks as though it might be a dull, colorful fall if the color comes. John F. said they got frost there last Fri. or Sat. We had it cold, but no frost.
I am still wondering where I will put 4 enormous house plants and a new chair this winter. I have asked Matt to get rid of our cactus. It is in a heavy wooden box and he carries it outside in the spring and back to the basement in the fall. This summer it never bloomed. Every other year it has maybe bloomed 1-3 times. It has beautiful saucer sized white delicate blooms that open in the morning and is gone by the next day. As far as outdoor work other than mowing or raking, I want to move a small bed of perinniels from where they are (on the lot line of our neighbor) a ways back in order for both of to mow more easily.
I need to get off to bed. Blood sugar was 77 tonight. I think my candy binge was what drove the bs up. Love, Pat

Dennis and Valerie said...

I'm glad you haven't had wasp trouble- I think they all came over here to Ontario this summer. I've never seen so many wasps in my life.