Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cooking Class 101*

On Mon. Jan. 21 the first session of Cooking 101 began with one student who you see observing the hamburger patties that she has just produced.

The menu: Homemade hamburger patties; store bought buns; all the condiments - ketchup, mustard, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce & salad dressing; & green beans. Dessert was prepared ahead of time by the instructor - applesauce & cookies.

All the taste testers OK'd the resulting products of the class.

*In the high schools the "101" or any course ending in "01" denotes basic course.


Pat VE said...

Who is enrolled? What is the tuition?

Jean said...

Tuition - zero
Enrollment requirements -
Desire to learn to cook
Time to complete the assigned project

Do you want to join?

Pat VE said...

I asked WHO is enrolled?

Jean said...

Unfortunately the student doen't want to be identified.

Pat VE said...

The sun comes in so brightly in the daytime that I can't see my pictures so well. Now that it is dark, I see your student. There's a 101 for all of us.