Monday, April 16, 2007

More Signs of Spring

Over a week ago while it was still quite cold and there were patches of snow and ice in many places we observed four very hardy golfers out on one of the local golf courses - now I call that a harbinger of spring. The last few days we have noticed that the slate colored juncos have returned and more and more geese can be seen flying overhead.

The beautiful warm days on the weekend brought out another "sign"-the neighbors eating out on their open deck. Since we don't have a deck and the yard is still pretty messy we haven't eaten out doors yet'

Oh, yes - we heard the frogs sounding off in the ditch across the street from us. Some insects have been noticed also.

I noticed -just by the way- that the spell check for blogger works in American English rather than Canadian English. Our micro-soft program wants to spell Canadian and rejects Am. spelling. For a lousy speller like me this is confusing.

"April showers bring May flowers" so we are right in line today as we had a small shower.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! It sounds like Spring is right around the corner for you. Isn't it wonderful that God gives us seasons. For those concerned with global warming, the Lord promises that as long as the earth remains there will be summer,winter springtime and harvest.
The juncos (slate grey birds with light colored bellies) have still been hanging around here and I have commented to John that it seems like they are staying around longer this year. I don't actually keep track of their comings and goings. Our flowering crab will be out this week in full beauty. I do love the springtime. Love, Pat